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品牌 | 其他品牌 | 供貨周期 | 一周 |
主要用途 | 微量、痕量元素分析 | 應用領域 | 環(huán)保,食品,農業(yè),地礦,制藥 |
P/N | PE產品名稱 | 數量/盒 |
N9307832 | THGA AP石墨管帶端蓋 THGA AP Graphite Tubes with End Caps | 5支/PK |
N9304645 | THGA AP石墨管帶端蓋 THGA AP Graphite Tubes with End Caps | 10支/PK |
N9307833 | THGA AP石墨管帶端蓋 THGA AP Graphite Tubes with End Caps | 20支/PK |
B3000641 | 標準THGA石墨管 Standard THGA Graphite Tubes | 5支/PK |
B0504033 | 標準THGA石墨管 Standard THGA Graphite Tubes | 20支/PK |
N3110147 | 標準THGA石墨管 Standard THGA Graphite Tubes | 100支/PK |
B3000653 | 標準THGA石墨管帶端蓋 Standard THGA Graphite Tubes with End Caps | 5支/PK |
B3000655 | 標準THGA石墨管帶端蓋 Standard THGA Graphite Tubes with End Caps | 20支/PK |
B3140361 | 超凈THGA石墨管 UltraClean THGAGraphite Tubes | 5支/PK |
B3140362 | 超凈THGA石墨管 UltraClean THGAGraphite Tubes | 20支/PK |
B0105197 | 縱向熱涂層石墨管 Pyrocoated Graphite Tubes(Not compatible with L’vov platforms) | 5支/PK |
B0135653 | 縱向熱涂層石墨管 Pyrocoated Graphite Tubes(Not compatible with L’vov platforms) | 10支/PK |
B3000342 | 縱向熱涂層石墨管 Pyrocoated Graphite Tubes(Not compatible with L’vov platforms) | 20支/PK |
B0505057 | 縱向熱涂層石墨管(叉形平臺) Pyrocoated Graphite Tubes(Forked Platform) | 20支/PK |
B0091504 | 縱向熱涂層石墨管 Pyrocoated Graphite Tubes | 50支/PK |
B0137111 | 縱向熱涂層帶齒紋石墨管,不包括平臺 Grooved Pyrocoated Graphite Tubes | 5支/PK |
B0121092 | 縱向熱涂層帶齒紋石墨管,不包括平臺 Grooved Pyrocoated Graphite Tubes | 10支/PK |
B3001254 | 縱向熱涂層帶齒紋石墨管,不包括平臺 Grooved Pyrocoated Graphite Tubes | 20支/PK |
B0109322 | 縱向熱涂層帶齒紋石墨管,不包括平臺 Grooved Pyrocoated Graphite Tubes | 50支/PK |
N3110146 | 縱向熱涂層帶齒紋石墨管,不包括平臺 Grooved Pyrocoated Graphite Tubes | 100支/PK |
B3001262 | 縱向帶有集成平臺的熱涂層石墨管 Pyrocoated Graphite Tubes with Integrated Platforms | 5支/PK |
B3001264 | 縱向帶有集成平臺的熱涂層石墨管 Pyrocoated Graphite Tubes with Integrated Platforms | 20支/PK |
N9300651 | 縱向帶有集成平臺的熱涂層石墨管 Pyrocoated Graphite Tubes with Integrated Platforms | 40支/PK |
B0137113 | 縱向無涂層石墨管 Uncoated Graphite Tubes(Not compatible with L’vov platforms) | 5支/PK |
B3001253 | 縱向無涂層石墨管 Uncoated Graphite Tubes(Not compatible with L’vov platforms) | 20支/PK |
B0070699 | 縱向無涂層石墨管 Uncoated Graphite Tubes(Not compatible with L’vov platforms) | 50支/PK |
B3001256 | 利沃夫平臺 L’vov Platforms | 20支/PK |
B0137112 | 縱向帶有利沃夫平臺熱涂層石墨管 Pyrocoated Graphite Tubewith L’vov Platform | 5支/PK |
B0121091 | 縱向帶有利沃夫平臺熱涂層石墨管 Pyrocoated Graphite Tubewith L’vov Platform | 10支/PK |
B3001256 | 縱向帶有利沃夫平臺熱涂層石墨管 Pyrocoated Graphite Tubewith L’vov Platform | 20支/PK |
B0109324 | 縱向帶有利沃夫平臺熱涂層石墨管 Pyrocoated Graphite Tubewith L’vov Platform | 50支/PK |
N3110145 | 縱向帶有利沃夫平臺熱涂層石墨管 Pyrocoated Graphite Tubewith L’vov Platform | 100支/PK |